Section G Ultimate GK part 5

41. Effective demand depends on ?
A. output-capital ratio
B. supply price
C. total expenditure
D. capital-output ratio
Answer :

42. Which on of the following is not a 'canon of taxation' according to Adam Smith ?
A. Canon of convenience
B. Canon of economy
C. Canon of simplicity
D. Canon of certainty
Answer :

43. The Chola kings were ruling over ?
A. Kerala
B. Bengal
C. Andhra
D. Tamil Nadu
Answer :

44. The Aryans succeeded in their conflicts with the pre-Aryans because ?
A. they were taller and stronger
B. they used elephants on a large scale
C. they used chariots driven by horses
D. they were from an advanced urban culture
Answer :

45. Which battle did open the Delhi are to Muhammad Ghori ?
A. First Battle of Tarain
B. Battle of Khanwa
C. Second Battle of Tarain
D. First battle of P Anipat
Answer :

46. Who was the author of Gita Govnda ?
A. Kalhana
B. Kalidasa
C. Jayadeva
D. Raja Rao
Answer :

47. ''The Right to Public Office'' is a ?
A. Moral right
B. Civil right
C. Political right
D. Economic right
Answer :

48. Who was against the abolition of Sati ?
A. B.G.Tilak
B. B.C.Pal
C. Radha Kant Deb
D. Ram Mohan Roy
Answer :

49. Chand Bibi was the ruler of ?
A. Asirgarh
B. Golcouda
C. Bijapur
D. Ahmednagar
Answer :

50. Clive laid the foundation of British Empire by winning the battle of ?
A. Jhansi
B. Panipat
C. Plassey
D. None of these
Answer :


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