Section F Ultimate GK part 8

71. Montreal Protocol is related to ?
A. Ozone depletion
B. Nuclear weapons
C. Landmines
D. Sea-bed
Answer :

72. Which state has the maximum length of roads ?
A. Madhya Pradesh
B. Uttar Pradesh
C. Maharastra
D. Punjab
Answer :

73. Which of the following Harappan sites are not in India ?
A. Mohenjodaro and Harappa
B. Lothal and Kalibangan
C. Bhanwali and Ropar
D. Lothal and Ropar
Answer :

74. The purest form of water is ?
A. Rain water
B. Heavy waterC. Tap water
D. Distilled water
Answer :

75. What is the International Date Line ?A. It is the equator
B. It is the 0 longitude
C. It is the 90 east longitude
D. It is the 180 longitude
Answer :

76. Which of the following metals was not known to the Indus people ?
A. Tin
B. Copper
C. Iron
D. Lead
Answer :

77. Which one of the following emergencies can be declared by the President on his own ?
A. Emergency due to external aggression or internal disturbances
B. Emergency due to failure of the constitutional machinery in a state
C. Emergency due to threat to  the financial stability or credit of India
D. None of these
Answer :

78. Which of the following is not an objective of the Monetary Policy of RBI ?
A. Boost economic development
B. Direct credit in desirable direction
C. Control inflationary pressure
D. Ensure social justice
Answer :

79. One of the disadvantages of the Wholesale Price Index in India is that ?
A. It does not cover the services sector
B. It is not available for individual commodities
C. It is available only on monthly basis
D. It is available only at constant prices
Answer :

80. The National Chemical Laboratory is situated in ?
A. New Delhi
B. Bangalore
C. Pune 
D. Chennai
Answer :


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