Section G Ultimate GK part 3

21. Which of the following organelles is called 'Atom bombs' ?
A. Lysosome
B. Nucleolus
C. Golgi bodies
D. Microtubules
Answer :

22. Which of the following branches deals with the interactions of same species of living organisms with their non-living environment ?
A. Synecology
B. Ecology
C. Palaeontology
D. Autecology
Answer :

23. Which of the following vertebrates lack exoskeleton ?
A.  Aves
B. Mammalia
C. Amphibia
D. Chondrichthyes
Answer :

24. One byte consists of ?
A. four bits
B. one bit
C. ten bit
D. eight bits
Answer :

25. ENIAC  was ?
A. an electronic computer
B. an engine
C. a memory device
D. an electronic calculator
Answer :

26. Imaginary lines joining places with same temperature are called ?
A. Isohalines
B. Isohyets
C. Isobars
D. Isotherms
Answer :

27. Which one of the following is presently the largest oil refinery of India ?
A. Mathura (IOC)
B. Visakhapatnam (HPCL)
C. Vadodara
D. Mumbai (BPCL)
Answer :

28. A natural region has the similarity of ?
A. climate and occupation
B. soil and drainage
C. climate and natural vegetation
D. economic base and races
Answer :

29. Coins made of metal first appeared in ?
A. Harappan Civilisation
B. Age of the Buddha
C. Age of the Mairuas
D. Later Vedic age
Answer :

30. The contractile proteins in a muscle are ?
A. Myosin and Troponin
B. Actin and Myosin
C. Actin and Tropomyosin
D. Troponin and Tropomyosin
Answer :


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