Section F Ultimate GK part 10

91. Match the following Viceroys with the event and occurred during their respective tenures ?
        List I                                         List II
a.   Wavell                               1.     First demand for Pakistan
b.   Reading                            2.     The Moplah Revolt
c.   Willington                         3.     Simal Conference
d.   Linlithgow                        4.     Communal Award

            a     b    c    d
(1)       3     2    4    1
(2)       4     1    3    2
(3)       3     4    2    1
(4)      1      2    4    3
Answer :

92. The most literate union territory in India is?
A. Delhi
B. Puducherry
C. Chandigarh
D. Lakshadweep
Answer :

93. The bacteria responsible for 'nitrogen fixation' is found in the roots of ?
A. Grass
B. Citrus plants
C. Leguminous plants
D. Neem tree
Answer :

94. A chemical reaction that takes place with the evolution of heat is called a/an ?
A. Reversible reaction
B. Endothermic reaction
C. Thermal reaction
 D. Exothermic reaction
Answer :

95. Match Lists I and II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
              List  I(People)                                  List II(State)
     a.     Lepcha                                       1.    Uttaranchal
     b.     Maria                                         2.    Sikkim
     c.     Urali                                           3.     Chattisgarh
     d.     Khasa                                        4.     Kerala

       a      b     c      d
(1)  2      3     1      4
(2)  3      4     2      1
(3)  2      3     4      1
(4)  3      2     4      1
Answer :

96. Antarctic Treaty was signed in ?
A. 1960
B. 1954
C. 1958
D. 1959
Answer :

97. The concept of Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in population means ?
A. The average number of children born to a woman during her lifetime
B. The average number of children born to an adult male during his lifetime
C. The average number of children born in family
D. The average rate of growth of population
Answer :

98. Consider the following statements:
(a)  Human Development Report is an authoritative annul publication brought out by the World Bank 
(b) It measures longevity by life expectancy at birth
(c) Knowledge is measured by adult literacy rate
(d) Standard of living is measured by GDP per capita (US $ PPP) 

Which of the above statements is not correct ?
A. (a)
B (b)
C. (c)
D. (d)
Answer :

99. The most abundant source of iron is ?
A. Milk
B. Green vegetables
C. Eggs
D. Beans
Answer :

100. The latitude and longitude of the two cities A and B are as follows :
                             A                          B
Latitude             12 N                      21 N
Longitude      80-30' E                    9-30'W

When the clock in city A shows 0800 hours UTC, what will be the time (UTC) in city B ?
A. 0200
B. 0230
C. 0100
D. 0238
Answer :


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