Section E Ultimate GK part 8

71. Which hormone, released when danger threatens, is known as Emergency hormone ?
A. Insulin
B. Adrenaline
C. Melatonin
D. Thyroxine
Answer :
72. 'Kathakali', 'Mohiniaattam' and  'Thullal' dance forms are native of which state ?
A. Karnataka
B. Andhra Pradesh
C. Tamil Nadu
D. Kerala
Answer :

74. Which is the only continent through which all longitude lines passes ?
A. Asia
B. Africa
C. Antarctica
D. Australia
Answer :

74. 'Vinaya Pitaka', 'Sutta Pitaka' and  'Abhidhamma Pitaka' - collectively known as the 'Tripitaka' (three baskets) - are sacred texts of which religion ?
A. Jainiam
B. Sikhism
C. Buddhism
D. Christianity
Answer :

75. In 1997, to which Indian film star did Pakistan Government Present its highest civilian award 'Nishan-e-Intiaz' ?
A. Dev Anand
B. Raj Kapoor
C. Amitabh Bachchan
D. Dilip Kumar
Answer :

76.  On 18 March 1965, who became the first human to walk in the space ?
A. Yuri Gagarin
B. Alexey Leonov
C. Neil Armstrong
D. Buzz Aldrin
Answer :

77. Washington D.C., the capital of United States of America is located on the banks of which river ?
A. Seine
B. Thames
C. Potomac
D. Moskva
Answer :

78. Which among the following is the first indigenous civilian aircraft of India ?
A. Saras
B. Tejas
C. Chetak
D. Cheetah
Answer :

79. Near which city is the Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History located ?
A. Panaji (Goa)
B. Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
C. Bharatpur (Rajasthan)
D. Sultanpur (Haryana)
Answer :

80. Which Central American country was formerly known as 'British Honduras' ?
A. Belize
B. Malawi
C. Botswana
D. Benin
Answer :


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