Section F Ultimate GK part 4

31. Environment degradation means ?
A. Overall lowering of environmental qualities
B. Adverse changes brought in by human activities
C. Ecological imbalance because of ecological diversity
D. All the above
Answer :

32. Which one of the following is known as 'Satellite Town' ?
A. Moradabad
B. Hyderabad
C. Ghaziabad
D. Ahmedabad
Answer :

33. Which of the following rivers have almost the same point of beginning ?
A. Brahmaputra and Ganga
B. Tapi and Beas
C. Brahmaputra and Indus
D. Indua and Ganga
Answer :

34. The local time of a place is 6.00 a.m. when the Greenwitch Mean Time (GMT) is 3.00 a.m. What is the longitude of the place ?
A. 45 W
B. 45 E
C. 120 E
D. 120 W
Answer :

35. In which State of India is the maximum area irrigated by Tube-wells ?
A. Madhya Pradesh
B. Bihar
C. Rajasthan
D. Uttar Pradesh
Answer :

36. Which one of the following paairs is correctly matched ?
A. Haldia                            :               Orissa
B. Jamnagar                        :               Maharashtra
C. Numaligarh                     :               Gujarat
D. Panagudi                        :               Tamil Nadu
Answer :

37. Which one of the following Indian rivers forms as estuary ?
A. Godavari
B. Kaveri
C. Tapi
D. Majanadi
Answer :

38. Which one of the following areas of India does not come under the zone of high seismic intensity ?
A. Uttaranchal
B. Karanatak Plateau
C. Kachch
D. Himachal Pradesh
Answer :

39. Which of the following Indian island lies between India and Sir Lanka?
A. Elephanta
B. Nicobar
C. Rameshwaram
D. Salsette
Answer :

40. In which state do the Monsoons arrive first ?
A. Assam
B. West Bengal
C. Maharahtra
D. Kerala
Answer :


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