Section B Ultimate GK part 6

51. Which one of the following sequences is correct in the context of three largest wheat producing states ?
A. Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana
B. Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab
C. Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana
D. Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh
Answer :

52. Consider the following statements about U.P.
1. Government is striving hard to achieve goal of mass education
2. It has decided to extend the scheme of Shiksha Mitra to urban areas 
3. The Shiksha Mitra in urban areas will receive a monthly honorarium of Rs. 2,400
4. They will be recruited from persons receiving unemployment allowance

Of these statements :

A. 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct
B. 1, 3 and 4 are correct
C. 1, 2 and 4 are correct
D. 1, 2 and 3 are correct
Answer : Answer :

53. Invisible export means of ?
A. Services
B. Prohibited goods
C. Unrecorded goods
D. Goods through smuggling
Answer :

54. The gas which emits from rice field is ?
A. Ethane
B. Methane
C. Notrogen
D. All of the above
Answer :

55. Match List-I With List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below :
         List - I                                    List - II
  (a)    Birha                            1.      Bhojpuri
  (b)    Kajri                             2.      Avadhi
  (c)    Malhor                         3.      Braji
  (d)    Rasia                           4.      Kauravi
Codes :
                 (a)      (b)      (c)     (d)
    A.          2        1        4         3
    B.          1        2        3         4
   C.           4        2       3          1
   D.           3        1       2          4
 Answer :

56. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
A. Diesel Locomotive Works : Varansi
B. Indian Telephone : Rae Bareilly Industries
C. Bharat : Noida Electronic Ltd
D. Oil Refinery : Mathura
Answer :

57. Foreign Corporations are governed by ?
A. Special Act of Parliament
B. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of India
C. Indian Companies Act, 1956
D. None of the above
Answer :

58. As per recent nuclear agreement signed by George W. Bush President of USA and Dr. Man Mohan Sing, Prime Minister of India the number of nuclear reactors which India has agreed to open up for inspection by International Atomic Energy Agency is ?
A. 10
B. 12 
C. 14
D. 16
Answer :

59. The bacteria responsible for fixing nitrogen in Soyabean is ?
A. Rhizobium leguminorserum
B. Rhizobium japonicum
C. Rhizobium phaseoli
D. Rhizobium trifolii
Answer :

60. Crop logging is a method of ?
A. Soil fertility evaluation
B. Plant analysis for assessing the requirement of nutrients for crop production
C. Assessing crop damage
D. Testing suitability of fertilizers
Answer :


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