Section G Ultimate GK part 10

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91. What can be the maximum period of gap between any two session of the Indian Parliament ?
A. One year
B. Three Months
C. Four Months
D. Six Months
Answer :

92. Effect of increasing temperature on resistance of semiconductor is-------?
A. Increasing
B. No change
C. Decreasing
D. First increasing then decreasing
Answer :

93. If mass is increased by 2 times and velocity is increased by 3 times of a body then its momentum will be increased by ?
A. 2 times
B. 3/2 times
C. 3 times
D. 6 times
Answer :

94. Concentrated, HNO3 can be stored in container made up of ?
A. Cu
B. Al
C. Sn
 D. Zn
Answer :

95. Red blood corpuscles have life of ?
A. 3-4 days
B. 4 weeks
C. 4 months
D. 12 months
Answer :

96.  Mallika Sarabhai is associated with which of following fields ?
A. Social service
B. Classical music
C. Sports
D. Classical dance
Answer :

97. A Kabaddi team usually has ?
A. Six players
B. Nine players
C. Eleven players
D. Seven players
Answer :

98. Golden Ball winner of 2010 World Cup Football Championship was ?
A. Diego Forlan
B. Carlos Borges
C. Antonio Campolo
D. Alvaro Faunandez
Answer :

99. The National heritage animal in India is ?
A. Tiger
B. Elephant
C. Deer
D. Lion
Answer :

100. Brazil's first female President is ?
A. Laura Chinchilla
B. Dilma Rousseff
C. Julia Gillard
D. Angela Markel
Answer :


Section G Ultimate GK part 9

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81. Which of the following is an indirect tax ?
A. Capital gains tax
B. Corporation tax
C. Excise duty
D. Wealth tax
Answer :

82. Which is the most important source of revenue of the States in India ?
A. Professional texes
B. Land Revenue
C. Sales Tax
D. Excise duty
Answer :

83. Protectionism in the International trade standa for ?
A. Semi restricted trade
B. Free trade policy
C. Restricted trade policy
D. All of these
Answer :

84. Diamond mines are mainly found in India in the State of ?
A. Arunachal Pradesh
B. Karnataka
C. Madhya Pradesh
D. Bihar
Answer :

85. The Sardar Sarovar Dam is associated with ?
A. Tapti River
B. Bhakra Nangal Project
C. Mahanadi River
D. Narmada River
Answer :

86. Soil suitable for growing cotton is ?
A. Red soil
B. Sandy soil
C. Black soil
D. Laterite soil
Answer :

87. Who is the Chief Law Officer of India ?
A. Advocate General
B. Solicitor General
C. Secretary, Law Department
Answer :

88. Which of the following bills cannot be introduced first in the Rajya Sabha ?
A. Bill bringing a State under the President's rule
B. Money Bill
C. Bill pertaining to the removal of the President by impeachment
D. Bill proclaiming all the State of State of emergency arising out of war or external aggression
Answer :

89. Who is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces in India ?
A. The President
B. The Home Minister
C. The Defence Minister
D. The Prime Minister
Answer :

90. The Ninth Schedule of the Constitution of India was ?
A. Added by the 42nd Amendment
B. A part of the original constitution
C. Added by the 24th Amendment
D. Added by the 1 st Amendment
Answer :

Section G Ultimate GK part 8

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71. Santosh Trophy is related to ?
A. Golf
B. Basketball
C. Cricket
D. Football
Answer :

72. 'Biosphere Reserve Project' is aimed at protecting ?
A. Environment
B. Cattle population
C. Flora and Fauna
D. Human beings from pollution
Answer :

73. 'Palak leaves' are rich in ?
A. Iron
B. Vitamin A
C. Cystine
D. Carotene
Answer :

74. Malaria is a disease which affects ?
A. Spleen
B. Lungs
C. Liver
D. Intestine
Answer :

75. Pepsin, a digestive enzyme, is produced in the /
A. Kidney
B. Liver
C. Stomach
D. Small intestine
Answer :

76. Leukaemia is a type of cancer in which there is an abnormal increase in the number of ?
A. Bone cells
B. Red blood cells
C. Platelets
D. White blood cells
Answer :

77. A solution of zinc chloride cannot be stored in a vessel made of ?
A. Lead
B. Aluminium
C. Silver
D. Gold
Answer :

78. Which of the following is the best conductor of electricity ?
A. Cold water
B. Warm water
C. Distilled water
D. Saline water
Answer :

79. The name of the first Indian aircraft developed by a government with private fund is ?
A. Tejas
B. Akash
D. Hansa
Answer :

80. An international movement with its motto to save the world by involving itself with environmental problems is ?
A. Clean En
B. Greenpiece
C. Greenfield
D. Ecofriend
Answer :


Section G Ultimate GK part 7

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61. The philosophy of Upanishads emphasises on ?
A. Tapa
B. Bhakti
C. Gyan
D. Karma
Answer :

62. 'Moon' is related to 'Satellite' as 'Earth' is related to ?
A. Solar System
B. Sun
C. Planet
D. Jupiter
Answer :

63. 'Navajivan Express' runs between ?
A. Howrah-Chennai
B. Chennai-Ahmedabad
C. Bhopal-New Delhi
D. Jammu Tawi-Thiruvananthapuram
Answer :

64. Who said, "Thank God, I have done my duty " ?
A. Admiral Nelson
B. G.W.Crne
C. Nelson Mandela
D. J.L.Nehru
Answer :

65. Which day of the year is observed as 'World Standard Day ?
A. September 14
B. November 25
C. October 14
D. August 14
Answer :

66. The judge of the Supreme Court of India now retire at the age of ?
A. 62 years
B. 60 years
C. 65 years
D. 58 years
Answer :

67. 'Neela Chand' is a novel written by ?
A. Subhash Mukhopadhyay
B. Shiv Prasad Singh
C. Ramakant Rath
D. Ram Vilas Sharma
Answer :

68. Sheikh Hasina belongs to which political party of Bangladesh ?
A. Jamat-i-Islami
B. Bangladesh National Party
C. Awami League
D. Workers Party
Answer :

69. Which day is celebrated as United Nations Day every year ?
A. 14th November
B. 27th December
C. 24th October
D. 7th April
Answer : 

70. The Sun shines vertically on the Equator 
A. Four times a year
B. Once a year
C.   Throughout the years
D. Twice a year
Answer : 


Section G Ultimate GK part 6

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51. When was the partition of Bengal, effected during the time of Curzon, annnulled ?
A. 1913
B. 1911
C. 1914
D. 1912
Answer :

52. Prithvi Raj Chauhan was defeated in the year ?
A. 1626 A.D
B. 1295 A.D.
C. 1192 A.D
D. 1561 A.D.
Answer :

53. Who among the following was the eldest son of Shahjahan ?
A. Auranzeb
B. Shuja
C. Dara shikoh
D. Murad Baksh
Answer :

54. In which battle, Rana Pratap of Mewar was defeated by the Mughal Army ?
A. Panipat
B. Mewar
C. Haldighati
D. Udaipur
Answer :

55. Akbar was the first Muslim ruler to introduce ?
A. Land and revenue reforms
B. Judicial reforms
C. Social reforms
D. Administrative reforms
Answer :

56. The rock cut temples known as the Seven Pagodas are at ?
A. Kanchi
B. Mahabaleshwar
C. Tanjore
D. Mahabalipuram
Answer :

57. The battle of Kalinga Proved to be the deciding point in the life of ?
A. Kautilya
B. Ashoka
C. Samudragupta
D. Alexander
Answer :

58. The capital of Harshavardhana was at ?
A. Varanasi
B. Pataliptra
C. Kannauj
D. Nalanda
Answer :

59. Both Vardhamana Mahavira and Gautam Buddha preached their doctrines during the reign of ?
A. Udayi
B. Nandivardhana
C. Bimbisara
D. Ajatahatru
Answer :

60. In whose reign, Hiuen Tsang, a Chinese pilgrim, visited India ?
A. Chandragupta Maurya
B. Samundragupta
C. Harshavardhana
D. Kanishka
Answer :


Section G Ultimate GK part 5

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41. Effective demand depends on ?
A. output-capital ratio
B. supply price
C. total expenditure
D. capital-output ratio
Answer :

42. Which on of the following is not a 'canon of taxation' according to Adam Smith ?
A. Canon of convenience
B. Canon of economy
C. Canon of simplicity
D. Canon of certainty
Answer :

43. The Chola kings were ruling over ?
A. Kerala
B. Bengal
C. Andhra
D. Tamil Nadu
Answer :

44. The Aryans succeeded in their conflicts with the pre-Aryans because ?
A. they were taller and stronger
B. they used elephants on a large scale
C. they used chariots driven by horses
D. they were from an advanced urban culture
Answer :

45. Which battle did open the Delhi are to Muhammad Ghori ?
A. First Battle of Tarain
B. Battle of Khanwa
C. Second Battle of Tarain
D. First battle of P Anipat
Answer :

46. Who was the author of Gita Govnda ?
A. Kalhana
B. Kalidasa
C. Jayadeva
D. Raja Rao
Answer :

47. ''The Right to Public Office'' is a ?
A. Moral right
B. Civil right
C. Political right
D. Economic right
Answer :

48. Who was against the abolition of Sati ?
A. B.G.Tilak
B. B.C.Pal
C. Radha Kant Deb
D. Ram Mohan Roy
Answer :

49. Chand Bibi was the ruler of ?
A. Asirgarh
B. Golcouda
C. Bijapur
D. Ahmednagar
Answer :

50. Clive laid the foundation of British Empire by winning the battle of ?
A. Jhansi
B. Panipat
C. Plassey
D. None of these
Answer :


Section G Ultimate GK part 4

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31. Hypertension is the term used for ?
A. decrease in heart rate
B. decrease in blood pressure
C. increase in blood pressure
D. increase in heart rate
Answer :

32. From the bark of which plants is quinine extracted ?
A. Neem
B. Cedar
C. Eucalyptus
D. Cinchona
Answer :

33. When water itself combines chemically with some element or mineral it is called ?
A. Carbonation
B. Oxidation
C. Desilication
D. Hydration
Answer :

34. Huge deposits of uranium were recently found in ?
A. Karnataka
B. Tamil Nadu
C. Andhra Pradesh
D. Kerala
Answer :

35. A law made by the Judiciary is known as ?
A. Ordinary law
B. Rule of law
C. Administrative law
D. Case law
Answer :

36. One of the important attributes of Parliamentary from of government is ?
A. Executive is answerable to the people
B. Executive is separate from the legislature
C. Fixed tenure for the executive
D. Collective responsibility of the Council of Ministers of the Parliament ?
Answer :

37. Which of the following does not come under legislative control over administration ?
A. Adjournment motion
B. Budget session
C. Formulation of a Bill
D. Zero hour
Answer :

38. From which fund can the unanticipated expenditure be met without the prior approval of the Parliament ?
A. Vote-on-Account
B. Consolidated Fund of India
C. From the Treasury
D. Contingency Fund of India
Answer :

39. Who propounded the Innovation theory of profits ?
A. P.A.Samuelson
B. Alfred Marshall
C. J.A.Schumpeter
D. Devid Ricardo
Answer :

40. The degree of monopoly power is to be measured in terms of the firm's ?
A. normal profit
B. selling price
C. supernormal profit
D. both normal and supernormal profit
Answer :


Section G Ultimate GK part 3

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21. Which of the following organelles is called 'Atom bombs' ?
A. Lysosome
B. Nucleolus
C. Golgi bodies
D. Microtubules
Answer :

22. Which of the following branches deals with the interactions of same species of living organisms with their non-living environment ?
A. Synecology
B. Ecology
C. Palaeontology
D. Autecology
Answer :

23. Which of the following vertebrates lack exoskeleton ?
A.  Aves
B. Mammalia
C. Amphibia
D. Chondrichthyes
Answer :

24. One byte consists of ?
A. four bits
B. one bit
C. ten bit
D. eight bits
Answer :

25. ENIAC  was ?
A. an electronic computer
B. an engine
C. a memory device
D. an electronic calculator
Answer :

26. Imaginary lines joining places with same temperature are called ?
A. Isohalines
B. Isohyets
C. Isobars
D. Isotherms
Answer :

27. Which one of the following is presently the largest oil refinery of India ?
A. Mathura (IOC)
B. Visakhapatnam (HPCL)
C. Vadodara
D. Mumbai (BPCL)
Answer :

28. A natural region has the similarity of ?
A. climate and occupation
B. soil and drainage
C. climate and natural vegetation
D. economic base and races
Answer :

29. Coins made of metal first appeared in ?
A. Harappan Civilisation
B. Age of the Buddha
C. Age of the Mairuas
D. Later Vedic age
Answer :

30. The contractile proteins in a muscle are ?
A. Myosin and Troponin
B. Actin and Myosin
C. Actin and Tropomyosin
D. Troponin and Tropomyosin
Answer :


Section G Ultimate GK part 2

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11. The Chairman of the Finance Commission must be ?
A. An Economist of high calibre
B. A person having experience in Public Affairs
C. An expert from Judiciary level of High Court Judge
D. A person of Finance and Banking field
Answer :

12. Which one of the following newspapers had been edited by gandhiji ?
A. Maratha
B. Gujarat Times
C. Navjeevan
D. Jan Satta
Answer :

13. Who among the following was the first heavyweight boxer to go undefeated throughout his career ?
A. Lee Epperson
B. Larry Holmes
C. Rocky Marciano
D. Michael Spinks
Answer : 

14. Sivasamudra is an island formed by the river
A. Godavari
B. Ganga
C. Krishna
D. Cauvery
Answer : 

15. The First Election Commissioner of India was 
A. Dr. Nagendra Singh
B. S.P. Sen Verma
C. Sukumar Sen
D. K.V.K. Sundaram
Answer :

16. Queen Elizabeth has recently conferred Knighthood on ?
A. L.N.Mittal
B. Salman Rushdie
C. Chetan Bhagat
D. None of the above
Answer :

17. Who is Minister for Environment and Forests of India ?
A. Jairam Ramesh
B. Anand Sharma
C. Dayanidhi Maran
D. Jayanti Natarajan
Answer :

18. Solar energy is due to ?
A. fission reactions
B. combustion reactions
C. chemical reactions
D. fusion reactions
Answer :

19. When a light wave is reflected from a mirrioe, there is a change in its ?
A. velocity
B. frequency
C. wavelength
D. amplitude
Answer :

20. In AC circuits, AC meters measure ?
A.  mean values
B. peak values
C. mean square values
D. rms values
Answer :


Section G Ultimate GK part 1

2 commentaires
1. Atpresent the BRAHMOS missiles are missile are assembled at ?
A. Hyderabad
B. Chandipur
C. Sriharikota
D. Bangalore
Answer :

2. An area legally reserved for wild life in its natural surroundings is ?
A. Social Forests
B. Biospher Reserve
C. National Park
D. Sanctuary
Answer :

3. Crop rotation helps to ?
A. Lessen use of pesticides
B. Yield more crops
C. Produce a greater choice of plant products
D. Eliminate parasites which have selective hosts
Answer :

4. The vertical movement of air is termed as ?
A. Air turbulence
B. Air current
C. Wind
D. Air mobility
Answer :

5. Acute lead poisoning is also known as ?
A. Byssinosis
B. Neuralgia
C. Itai-itai
D. Plumbism
Answer :

6.  KMnO4 can be used as a/an ?
A. fertiliser
B. insecticide
C. disinfectant
D. pesticide
Answer :

7. The major component in the LPG is ?
A. butane
B. methane
C. propane
D. ethane
Answer :

8. The most reactive among the halogens is ?
A. Bromine
B. Chlorine
C. Iodine
D. Fluorine
Answer :

9. The electronic configuration of an atom having atomic number '20' is ?
A. 2, 8, 10
B. 2, 8, 8, 2
C. 2, 6, 8, 4
D. 2, 10, 8
Answer :

10. The novel 'White Tiger' which won the Booker Prize 2008 is authore by ?
A.  Kiran Desai
B. V.S.Naipaul
C. Arundhati Roy
D. Aravid Adiga
Answer :

Section F Ultimate GK part 10

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91. Match the following Viceroys with the event and occurred during their respective tenures ?
        List I                                         List II
a.   Wavell                               1.     First demand for Pakistan
b.   Reading                            2.     The Moplah Revolt
c.   Willington                         3.     Simal Conference
d.   Linlithgow                        4.     Communal Award

            a     b    c    d
(1)       3     2    4    1
(2)       4     1    3    2
(3)       3     4    2    1
(4)      1      2    4    3
Answer :

92. The most literate union territory in India is?
A. Delhi
B. Puducherry
C. Chandigarh
D. Lakshadweep
Answer :

93. The bacteria responsible for 'nitrogen fixation' is found in the roots of ?
A. Grass
B. Citrus plants
C. Leguminous plants
D. Neem tree
Answer :

94. A chemical reaction that takes place with the evolution of heat is called a/an ?
A. Reversible reaction
B. Endothermic reaction
C. Thermal reaction
 D. Exothermic reaction
Answer :

95. Match Lists I and II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
              List  I(People)                                  List II(State)
     a.     Lepcha                                       1.    Uttaranchal
     b.     Maria                                         2.    Sikkim
     c.     Urali                                           3.     Chattisgarh
     d.     Khasa                                        4.     Kerala

       a      b     c      d
(1)  2      3     1      4
(2)  3      4     2      1
(3)  2      3     4      1
(4)  3      2     4      1
Answer :

96. Antarctic Treaty was signed in ?
A. 1960
B. 1954
C. 1958
D. 1959
Answer :

97. The concept of Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in population means ?
A. The average number of children born to a woman during her lifetime
B. The average number of children born to an adult male during his lifetime
C. The average number of children born in family
D. The average rate of growth of population
Answer :

98. Consider the following statements:
(a)  Human Development Report is an authoritative annul publication brought out by the World Bank 
(b) It measures longevity by life expectancy at birth
(c) Knowledge is measured by adult literacy rate
(d) Standard of living is measured by GDP per capita (US $ PPP) 

Which of the above statements is not correct ?
A. (a)
B (b)
C. (c)
D. (d)
Answer :

99. The most abundant source of iron is ?
A. Milk
B. Green vegetables
C. Eggs
D. Beans
Answer :

100. The latitude and longitude of the two cities A and B are as follows :
                             A                          B
Latitude             12 N                      21 N
Longitude      80-30' E                    9-30'W

When the clock in city A shows 0800 hours UTC, what will be the time (UTC) in city B ?
A. 0200
B. 0230
C. 0100
D. 0238
Answer :


Section F Ultimate GK part 9

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81. The most commonly used metal in the pure form or as an alloy in domestic appliances is ?
A. Aluminum
B. Iron
C. Copper
D. Zinc
Answer :

82. The process in which solid substance, on being heated, changes directly into the gaseous form known as ?
A. Dissociation
B. Dissolution
C. Sublimation
D. Evaporation
Answer :

83. Match the following :
       List  I                                                  List  II
a.  Surya Sen                                       1.   Communist Party of India
b.  NM Joshi                                       2.   Indian Repiblican Army
c.  PC Joshi                                         3.   Radical President of Congress
d.  SC Bose                                         4.   All India Trade Union Federation

         a        b     c     d
(1)    2       4      1     3
(2)    2       3      4     1
(3)    2       1      3     4
(4)    2       4      3     1
Answer :

84. The gas used for artificial ripening of green fruit is ?
A. Ethylene
B. Ethane
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Acetylene
Answer :

85. In human systems, vitamins cannot ?
A. Help in digestion
B. Help in metabolizing drugs
C. Help in growth
D. Supply energy
Answer :

86. A person weighs more in a life, which is ?
A. Moving up with a constant velocity
B. Moving down with a constant velocity
C. Accelerating upward
D. Accelerating downward
Answer :

87. With what is 'blur revolution' associated ?
A. Agriculture
B. Iron and steel industry
C. Irrigation
D. Fishing
Answer :

88. The excavation in the Indus Valley have pushed the antiquity of Indian History to ?
A. 5000 BC
B. 4000 BC
C. 2500 BC
D. 1000 BC
Answer :

89. What distinguishes economic growth from economic development is that the latter implies ?
A. An increase in per capita income
B.  Changes in institutions and attitudes
C. Concern for ecology and environment
D. All of the above
Answer :

90. What of the following figures has the longest perimeter ?
A. A square of side 10 cms
B. A rectangle of sides 12 cms and 9 cms
C. A circle of radius 7 cms
D. A rhombus of side 9 cms
Answer :

Section F Ultimate GK part 8

0 commentaires
71. Montreal Protocol is related to ?
A. Ozone depletion
B. Nuclear weapons
C. Landmines
D. Sea-bed
Answer :

72. Which state has the maximum length of roads ?
A. Madhya Pradesh
B. Uttar Pradesh
C. Maharastra
D. Punjab
Answer :

73. Which of the following Harappan sites are not in India ?
A. Mohenjodaro and Harappa
B. Lothal and Kalibangan
C. Bhanwali and Ropar
D. Lothal and Ropar
Answer :

74. The purest form of water is ?
A. Rain water
B. Heavy waterC. Tap water
D. Distilled water
Answer :

75. What is the International Date Line ?A. It is the equator
B. It is the 0 longitude
C. It is the 90 east longitude
D. It is the 180 longitude
Answer :

76. Which of the following metals was not known to the Indus people ?
A. Tin
B. Copper
C. Iron
D. Lead
Answer :

77. Which one of the following emergencies can be declared by the President on his own ?
A. Emergency due to external aggression or internal disturbances
B. Emergency due to failure of the constitutional machinery in a state
C. Emergency due to threat to  the financial stability or credit of India
D. None of these
Answer :

78. Which of the following is not an objective of the Monetary Policy of RBI ?
A. Boost economic development
B. Direct credit in desirable direction
C. Control inflationary pressure
D. Ensure social justice
Answer :

79. One of the disadvantages of the Wholesale Price Index in India is that ?
A. It does not cover the services sector
B. It is not available for individual commodities
C. It is available only on monthly basis
D. It is available only at constant prices
Answer :

80. The National Chemical Laboratory is situated in ?
A. New Delhi
B. Bangalore
C. Pune 
D. Chennai
Answer :


KV Sangathan Officer and Non- Teaching Posts Feb-2012

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan ( KVS) 
18- Institutional Area , Shahid Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi - 110016 

Application in the prescribed format are invited for following Officer and Non Teaching posts for the year 2011-12 through a written exam :
1. Principal : 50 Post 
2. Administrative Officer : 04 Post 
3. Finance Officer : 01 Post 
4. Assistant : 79 Post
5.  Upper Division clerk : 168 Post 
6. Lower Division clerk : 168 Post 

Application Fee :  1200 for the posts of Principal Finance Officer and Administrative Officer to be deposited in the Indian Bank account number 405046333 , Mehrauli Institutional Area, New Delhi by a challan / electronic transfer. No fee for SC/ST/Ex-SM/PH candidates.
How to Apply : Apply online at KVC website from 14/02/2012 to 14/03/2012 Take a print out and Keep it with yourself to be shown at the time of interview.

please visit
for all the infomation like details of vacancies , instructions exam schedule and Syllabus etc. and challan slip and a link to the online submission of application


CISF Special Drive for Driver and Pump Operator Constable vacancy Feb-2012

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Central Industrial Security Force ( CISF) 
(Ministry of Home Affairs) 

Special Recruitment drive for filling up backlog vacancies of SC/ST/OBC of Constables 

Application are invited from male Indian citizens for filling up following posts of Drivers and Drivers and Drivers cum Pum Operator in CISF :
Drivers ( Constable / Driver) : 683 Post
Drivers cum Pump Operator ( Constable / DCPO) : 143 posts

Pay Scale : Pay Band - 1 5200-20200 + Grade pay 2000

Age : 21-27 years 

Application Fee :  Fee of 50/- for OBC candidates only in the form of Postal Order drawn in favour of the respective officers where to  be applied.

How to Apply :  Candidates who fulfil the criteria may submit their application on the prescribed proforma to any of the listed address as provided in the detailed advertisement.

Last Date : The last date of receipt of the application is 25/02/2012 and for resident of North East last date 03/03/2012

For further details and application form format , please view

Section F Ultimate GK part 5

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41. Who among the following is constitutionally empowered to declare a geographic area as a scheduled area ?
A. Governor
B. Chief Minister
C. Prime Minister
D. President
Answer :

42. The World's highest ground based telescopic observatory is located in?
A. Colombia
C. Nepal
D. Switzerland
Answer :

43.  In U.P. the district with the highest literacy percentage is ?
A. Auraiya
B. Ghazizbad
C. Etawah
D. Allahabad
Answer :

44. A memorandum of understanding for India's first river linking project has been signed between two states linking two rivers. The states and the rivers concerned are ?
      List-I                                                                  List-II
A. Punjab and Rajasthan                            :               Beas and Banas
B. Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh       :               Ken and Betwa
C. Karnataka and Tamil Nadu                    :               Krishna and Kaveri
D. Uttar Pradesh and Bihar                        :               Gomti and Sharda
Answer :

45. Consider the following statements about Uttar Pradesh ?
1. Geographical area of UP is about 2,41,000 sq kms.
2. Sex ratio in UP as per 2001 census was 933 females per 1000 males.
3. UP has 17 Revenue Divisions.
4. Literacy percentage in UP as per 2001 census was 60.1.

Select the correct answer from the code given below ?

A. 1 and 2 only
B. 1 and 3 only
C. 3 and 4 only
D. 2 and 3 only

46. Consider the following statements about Uttar Pradesh ?
1. Literacy percentage as per 2001 census is 56.3.
2. The density of population is 690 per square km.
3. The most populous district is Kanpur Nagar.
4. The largest population of scheduled castes is in district Sitapur.

Select the correct answer from the code given below :

Codes :
A. 1 and 2 only
B. 2,3 and 4 only
C. 1,2 and 4 only
D. All the four
Answer :

47. Consider the following statements :
1. According to a survey conducted by Uttar Pradesh Department recently Lucknow has been found to be most developed.
2. As per recent study conducted in 20 states by the Centre for Media Studies corruption in 2005 in India is less than what it was in 2002.
3. As per target set for Bharat Nirman Yojana houses to be constructed for the rural poor would not even meet 50% of the shortage of rural houses.

Select the correct answer from the code given below :

Codes :
A. 1 and 2 only
B. 2 and 3 only
C.1 and 3 only
D. All the three
Answer :

48. Special Economic Zones are being set up in UP at ?
A. Agra, Kanpur and Noida
B. Agra, Kanpur and Greater Noida
C. Meerut, Moradabad, Kanpur and Noida
D. Moradabad, Kanpur, Noida and Greater Noida
Answer :

49. The ancient site where the full text of the Mahabarat was delivered orally to a congregation of 60,000  sages is ?
A. Ahichatra
B. Hastinapur
C. Kampilya
D. Naimisharanya
Answer :

50. The quaintest relic of Chunar Fort is the shrine of ?
A. Adi Shankaracharya
B. Bhartruhari
C. Chaitanya
D. Ramananda
Answer :

Section F Ultimate GK part 4

0 commentaires
31. Environment degradation means ?
A. Overall lowering of environmental qualities
B. Adverse changes brought in by human activities
C. Ecological imbalance because of ecological diversity
D. All the above
Answer :

32. Which one of the following is known as 'Satellite Town' ?
A. Moradabad
B. Hyderabad
C. Ghaziabad
D. Ahmedabad
Answer :

33. Which of the following rivers have almost the same point of beginning ?
A. Brahmaputra and Ganga
B. Tapi and Beas
C. Brahmaputra and Indus
D. Indua and Ganga
Answer :

34. The local time of a place is 6.00 a.m. when the Greenwitch Mean Time (GMT) is 3.00 a.m. What is the longitude of the place ?
A. 45 W
B. 45 E
C. 120 E
D. 120 W
Answer :

35. In which State of India is the maximum area irrigated by Tube-wells ?
A. Madhya Pradesh
B. Bihar
C. Rajasthan
D. Uttar Pradesh
Answer :

36. Which one of the following paairs is correctly matched ?
A. Haldia                            :               Orissa
B. Jamnagar                        :               Maharashtra
C. Numaligarh                     :               Gujarat
D. Panagudi                        :               Tamil Nadu
Answer :

37. Which one of the following Indian rivers forms as estuary ?
A. Godavari
B. Kaveri
C. Tapi
D. Majanadi
Answer :

38. Which one of the following areas of India does not come under the zone of high seismic intensity ?
A. Uttaranchal
B. Karanatak Plateau
C. Kachch
D. Himachal Pradesh
Answer :

39. Which of the following Indian island lies between India and Sir Lanka?
A. Elephanta
B. Nicobar
C. Rameshwaram
D. Salsette
Answer :

40. In which state do the Monsoons arrive first ?
A. Assam
B. West Bengal
C. Maharahtra
D. Kerala
Answer :


Section F Ultimate GK part 3

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21. Australasia or Oceania comprises of ?
a. Australia                 b. New Zealand
c. New Guinea               d. Pacific Islands
e. Tasmania

A. a, b and d
B. a, b, and e
C. a, b, c and d
D. a, b, c, and e
Answer :

22. The smallest possible unit of a chemical compound is ?
A. Atom
B. Electron
C. Proton
D. Molecule
Answer :

23. Hypo, used in photography, is chemically ?
A. Silver bromide
B. Sodium thiosulphate
C. Sodium phosphate
D. Silver nitrate
Answer :

24.Emeralds are made up of ?
A. Carbon
B. Calcium
C. Beryllium
D. Iron
Answer :

25. Anaemia occurs due to the lack of ?
A. Iodine
B. Calcium
C. Potassium
D. Iron
Answer :

 26. Consider the following statements and select the correct answer from the code given below ?
1. India's population is characterized by a high growth rate.
2. With the current growth rate it is likely to overtake China in the near future.
3. Out of every six persons of the World one is an Indian.
4. About 40% of the India's population is below the poverty line level.

A. 1,2 and 3 are correct
B. 2, 3 and 4 are correct
C. 1, 3 and 4 are correct
D. 1, 2 and 4 are correct
Answer :

27. In the Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh States, the joint 'Rajghat Valley Project' is launched on ?
A. Ken river
B. Son river
C. Chambal river
D. Betwa river
Answer :

28. Which state in the country has the largest number of districts ?
A. Madhya Pradesh
B. Manarashtra
C. Tamil Nadu
D. Uttar Pradesh
Answer :

29. Environment refers ?
A. As the natural world of land, water, air, plants and animals that exist around it
B. To the sum total of conditions which surround man at a given point of time
C. The interacting systems of physical biological and cultural elements which are interlinked
D. All the above
Answer :

30. The cells which have the capacity to divide and differentiate into any type of cells in the body are the focus of research of several serious diseases are ?
A. Bud cells
B. Red cells
C. Mesangial cells
D. Stem cells
Answer :


Section F Ultimate GK part 2

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11. Where are copper, gold, iron and coal respectively found in India ?
A. Kollar, Khetri, Kudremukh, Jharia
B. Jharia, Kollar, Kudremukh, Kherti
C. Kudremuk, Jharia, Kollar, Khetri
D. Khetri, Kollar, Kudremukh, Jharia
Answer :

12. What is washing power ?
 A. Sodium chloride
B. Hydrated sodium carbonate
C.Sodium dicarbonate
D. Clacium carbonate
Answer :

 13. The need for effective corporate governance and independent regulatory authorities was highlighted by the scam involving which of the following multinational corporation/s ?
A. Enron
B. World Com
C. Xerox
D. All of the above
Answer :

14. 'Carbon dioxide cycle' implies that ?
A. Carbon dioxide moves in the air in a cycle
B. The carbon dioxide structure is cycle
C. Carbon dioxide consumes oxygen
D. Oxygen is changed into carbon dioxide by respiration of human beings and then to oxygen and carbon by green plants
Answer :

15. Light from the nearest star reaches the earth in ?
A. 4.3 seconds
B. 4.3 minutes
C. 43 minutes
D. 4.3 years
Answer :

16. Usual Status (US) unemployment is calculated with reference to a period of ?
A. One year
B. Indefinite
C. One month
D. One week

17. An iron hammer, lying in the sum appears much hotter than its wooden handle because ?
A. Iron is at a higher temperature
B. Iron is darker than wood
C. Iron absorbs more heat
D. Iron is a good conductor of heat
Answer :

18. It is not advisable of sleep under a tree at night because trees release ?
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Oxygen
C. Carbon monoxide
D. Sulphur dioxide
Answer :

19. In the later vedic pantheon, what was the order of gods in accordance with their importance ?
a. Indra          b. Vishnu
c. Prajapati     c. Rudra

A. Cdba
B. Cbda
C. Bcda
D. Bacd
Answer :

20. A solution with pH=2 is more acidic than a solution of pH=6 by a factor of ?
A. 4
B. 12
C. 400
D. 1000
Answer :


Section F Ultimate GK part 1

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1. Consider the following statements :
A. The International Badminton Federation is located in Kualalumpur
B. The Federation has decided in favour of India as the for 2009 World Badminton Chanpionship

Which of the above statement (S) is/are correct ?
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
Answer :

2. Consider the following statements about one of India's leading batsman :
1. He has scored now more than 8000 runs in Test Matches.
2. He has made four successive centuries.
3. He has made five Test double hundreds.
4. He is credited with most catches by an Indian Player.

Which is he ?
A. Sunil Gavaskar
B. Sachin Tendulkar
C. Rahul Dravid
D. Saurav Ganguly
Answer :

3. Consider the following statements :
1. The 93rd Indian Science Congeess was held at Hyderabad (A.P.) in January 2006.
2. Dr. M.S.Swaminathan was the recipient of the India Science Award 2004 at the Congress.

Which of the above statement (S) is/are correct ?
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
Answer :

4. Which South American Country has elected a Leftist Leader as its President for the first time in the 180 year old history of South America ?
A. Venezuela
B. Argentina
C. Uruguay
D. Bolivia
Answer :

5. President A.P.J.Abdul Kalam visited some countries; one of them happens to be country visited by any president of India for the first time. Which one of these is that country ?
A. Mauritius
B. South Africa
C. Myanmar
D. None of these
 Answer :

6. Chlorophull is normally found in ?
A. Green leaves
B. Tree bark
C. Kidney
D. Blood
Answer :

7. The first woman IPS officer ?
A. Kanchan Bhattacharya
B. Priti Jain
C. Suman Bhardwaj
D. Kiran Bedi
Answer :

8. Through which State run the 'Aravalli' mountains ?
A. Maharashtra
B. Madhya Pradesh
C. Uttar Pradesh
D. Rajasthan
Answer :

9. The captain of the victorious Italian team in the FIFA World Cup 2006 was ?
A. Marco Materazzi
B. Fabio Cannavaro
C. Gianluigi Buffon
D. Salvatore Schillaci
Answer :

10. While sowing seeds the fertilizer commonly used contains ?
A. Nitrates
B. Potash
C. Phosphorus
D. Calcium
Answer :

Section B Ultimate GK part 10

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91. The Civil Disobedience movement caught the imagination of the people in the States. In many places, significant popular movement came into being. Point out where it did not ?
A. Rajkot
B. Hyaderabad
C. Travancore
D. Rampur
Answer :

92. An electrical appliance is earthed to ?
A. Protect the appliance against any damage
B. Prevent shocks
C. Reduce consumption
D. Avoid shot-circuiting
Answer :

93. The NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) came into force in ?
A. 1968
B. 1972
C. 1970
D. 1974
Answer :

94. Allugel tablets used to reduce acidity contain ?
A. Sodium Carbonate
B. Sodium Hydroxide
C. Ammonia
D. Aluminium Hydroxide
Answer :

95. Lowest percentage of carbon is in ?
A. Cast iron
B. Steel
C. Wrought iron
D. Pig iron
Answer :

96. Consider the following statements with regard to the Supreme Court of India ?
a. The Supreme Court has been created under the Constitution of India.
b. The Supreme Court at present comprises of a Chief Justice and 25 ordinary judges.
c. The Supreme Court has its permanent seat at Near Delhi, but it can meet elsewhere if the Chief Justice of India so decides in consultation with the President of India.
d. The Original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court extends over disputes between India and Foreign 

Of these statements :
A. a, b and d are correct
B. a, b, and c are correct
C. b, c and d are correct
D. a, c and d are correct
Answer :

97. The most malleable metal is ?
A. Platinum
B. Silver
C. Iron
D. Gold
Answer :

98. According to the Reserve Bank of India Credit and Monetary Policy, the rate of increase in the Minimum Support Price (MSP) of food grains has been more than that of the rate of inflation. This would mean that ?
A. Inflation will be more than the price of price of food grains
B. There will be an increase in the availability of food grains
C. Increase in the price of food grains will be more than proportionate to the rate of inflation
D. There will be a reduction in the open market price of food grains
Answer :

99. For respiration deep sea divers use mixture of ?
A. Oxygen and carbon dioxide
B. Hydrogen and oxygen
C. Oxygen and nitrogen
D. Oxygen and helium
Answer :

100. The compound used as an anti malarial drugs is ?
A. Aspirin
B. Chloroquine
C. Penicillin
D. Hydroquine
Answer :


Section B Ultimate GK part 9

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81. When the New Economic Policy was adopted in India in 1991 July the growth in real GDP was ?
A. Negative
B. 0.5 per cent
C. 1 per cent
D. 3.5 per cent
Answer :

82. We always see the same face of the moon because ?
A. it is smaller than the earth
B. it revolves on its axis in a direction opposite to that of the earth
C. it takes equal time for both revolution around the earth and rotation on its own axis
D. it rotates at the same speed as the earth around the sun
Answer :

83. When an electric bulb breaks, there is a mild bang due to ?
A. the chemical reaction between the enclosed gases
B. the composed gases rushing out suddenly
C. the air rushing in to fill the evacuated space
D. some other reason
Answer :

84. Tetraethy1 Lead (TEL) is added to petrol to ?
A. prevent freezing
B. increase boiling point
C. increase flash point
D. increase anti-knocking rating
Answer :

85. In the human body the most abundant element is ?
A. Carbon
B. Calcium
C. Nitrogen
D. Oxygen
Answer :

86. The pH of human blood is around ?
A. 3
B. 7.5
C. 12
D. 6
Answer :

87. In which case did the Supreme Court hold that Preamble was not a part of the Constitution ?
A. Berubari Case
B. Golak Nath case
C. Keshvananda Bharati case
D. None of thes
Answer : 

88.  Though the temperature inside lighted electric bulb is around 2700 Centigrade , the filament does not burn because :
A. the metal of which it is made up of resistant burning
B. the oxygen necessary for combustion ( burning ) is not available as the bulb is evacuated and filled with pure nitrogen or inert gas
C. it cannot burn in closed system
D. it is made of non-metallic substance.
Answer : 

Section B Ultimate GK part 8

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71. 'Tshwana Declaration' was signed by representative of ?
A. India and South Africa
B. India and Brazil
C. India, Brazil and South Africa
D. India and Myanmar
Answer :

72. Who of the following have received the Nobel Prize 2006 in Medicine ?
A. John C.Mathe and George F. Snoot
B. Craig C.Mello and Andrew Z.Fire
C. Steven Boone and Curtis Cooper
D. Roger Kornberg
Answer :

73. Select the one which is not the responsibility of Gram Sabha under the 'Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005' ?
A. To recommend projects to the Gram Panchayat and prepare list of possible works
B. To receive applications for work and issue a dated receipt
C. To monitor the execution of work within the Gram Panchayat
D. To conduct regular social audits of all the projects taken up within the Gram Panchayat
Answer :

74. Consider the following statements about the 'Right to Information Act, 2005' and select one which is not provided for or specially exempted ?
A. It is not applicable in the state of Jammu and Kashmir
B. An applicant making request for information will have to give reasons for seeking information
C. Removal of Chief Information Commissioner
D. Every Information Commissioner shall hold office for a term of 5 years or till age of 65 years whichever is earlier
Answer :

75. Consider the following statements :
1. The first ever East Asia Summit was held in Singapore in December 2005.
2. The Summit was attended by 16 countries from the East Asian region including India.

Which of the above statement (S) is/are correct ?
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
Answer :

76. India's per capita net availability of food grains per day is ?
A. 454 gms
B. 285 gms
C. 621 gms
D. 438 gms
Answer :

77. Which of the following powers is exclusively vested in the Rajya Sabha ?
A. to initiate impeachment proceedings against the President
B. to recommend the creation of new All India Services
C. to remove the Vice-President
D. all the above powers
Answer :

78. A person covers the distance from P to Q at the speed of three kmph. From Q to P he covers it at six kmph. What is the average speed per hour ?
A. 4 kmph
B. 5 kmph
C. 4.5 kmph
D. 3.5 kmph
Answer :

79. The best fertilizer for plants is ?
A. compost
B. ammonium sulphate
C. super phosphate of lime
D. urea
Answer :

80. What is chief function of the UPSC ?
A. to conduct examinations for appointment to All India and Central Services
B. to advise the President regarding claims of civil servants for costs incurred in the course of execution of duties
C. to advise the President regarding disciplinary action a civil servant
D. All of the above
Answer :


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PTET 2012 Pre Teacher test 2012 notification , dates , Paper , How to Apply 
JNVU Jodhpur Jai Narain Vyas University Jodhpur Invtes online Application Form for Admission in B.Ed. Collage of Rajasthan State. You can apply for this entrance exam before 01-03-2012. All Information related to this exam is mentioned below. 

Starting date of PTET online form - 09 feburary 2012

Last date of ptet 2012 online form 1 march 2012 

Last date of document submission - 2 March 2012

Fee - 400/- 

Challan form Bank - Bank of Baroda , IDBI , PNB

Exam date - 22 April 2012
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Section B Ultimate GK part 7

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61. India's rank in vegetable production is ?
A. First
B. Second
C. Fourth
D. Fifth
Answer :

62. U.P. has been divided into ?
A. 11 agro-climatic zones
B. 9 agro-climatic zones
C. 7 agro-climatic zones
D. None of the above
Answer :

63. Consider the following statements :
1. Prime Minister Dr. Man Mohan Singh launched the Jawahar Lal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission in December 2005.
2. The Mission will have an initial corpus of Rs. One lakh crore.
3. Initially only 28 State capitals will benefit from the Mission.
4. The Mission aims to provide food for work to the urban poor.

Which of the above statement(S) is/are correct?
A. 1 and 3 only
B. 1 and 2 only
C. 1 , 2 and only
D. All the four
Answer :

64. Government of India has taken a decision to set up price stabilization fund for the growers of ?
A. Potato
B. Sugarcane growers
C. Coffee and tea
D. Tomato
Answer :

65. A labour intensive industry is one that ?
A. Requires hard manual labour
B. Pays adequate wages to the labour
C. Employs more hands
D. Provides facilities to labour
Answer :

66. If a complete ship is hired, the Shipping Company issues ?
A. Shipping Order
B. Charter Party
C. Bill of Entry
D. Railway Receipt
Answer :

67. Ripening hormone is ?
A. Gibberellin
B. Morphactin
C. Ethylene
D. I.B.A.
Answer :

68. We obtain turmeric from which part of the plant ?
A. Stem
B. Root
C. Fruit
D. Flower
Answer :

69. Who among the following has been given 'World Citizenship Award' 2006 ?
A. Kofi Annan
B. Jimmy Carter
C. Bill Clinton
D. Ronald Reagan
Answer :

70. Who has been recently given ' Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration ' 2005?
A. Bismillah Khan
B. Jyoti Basu 
C. Javed Aktar
D. Mahesh Bhatt
Answer :

Section B Ultimate GK part 6

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51. Which one of the following sequences is correct in the context of three largest wheat producing states ?
A. Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana
B. Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab
C. Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana
D. Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh
Answer :

52. Consider the following statements about U.P.
1. Government is striving hard to achieve goal of mass education
2. It has decided to extend the scheme of Shiksha Mitra to urban areas 
3. The Shiksha Mitra in urban areas will receive a monthly honorarium of Rs. 2,400
4. They will be recruited from persons receiving unemployment allowance

Of these statements :

A. 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct
B. 1, 3 and 4 are correct
C. 1, 2 and 4 are correct
D. 1, 2 and 3 are correct
Answer : Answer :

53. Invisible export means of ?
A. Services
B. Prohibited goods
C. Unrecorded goods
D. Goods through smuggling
Answer :

54. The gas which emits from rice field is ?
A. Ethane
B. Methane
C. Notrogen
D. All of the above
Answer :

55. Match List-I With List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below :
         List - I                                    List - II
  (a)    Birha                            1.      Bhojpuri
  (b)    Kajri                             2.      Avadhi
  (c)    Malhor                         3.      Braji
  (d)    Rasia                           4.      Kauravi
Codes :
                 (a)      (b)      (c)     (d)
    A.          2        1        4         3
    B.          1        2        3         4
   C.           4        2       3          1
   D.           3        1       2          4
 Answer :

56. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
A. Diesel Locomotive Works : Varansi
B. Indian Telephone : Rae Bareilly Industries
C. Bharat : Noida Electronic Ltd
D. Oil Refinery : Mathura
Answer :

57. Foreign Corporations are governed by ?
A. Special Act of Parliament
B. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of India
C. Indian Companies Act, 1956
D. None of the above
Answer :

58. As per recent nuclear agreement signed by George W. Bush President of USA and Dr. Man Mohan Sing, Prime Minister of India the number of nuclear reactors which India has agreed to open up for inspection by International Atomic Energy Agency is ?
A. 10
B. 12 
C. 14
D. 16
Answer :

59. The bacteria responsible for fixing nitrogen in Soyabean is ?
A. Rhizobium leguminorserum
B. Rhizobium japonicum
C. Rhizobium phaseoli
D. Rhizobium trifolii
Answer :

60. Crop logging is a method of ?
A. Soil fertility evaluation
B. Plant analysis for assessing the requirement of nutrients for crop production
C. Assessing crop damage
D. Testing suitability of fertilizers
Answer :


Section B Ultimate GK part 5

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41. How many times has Financial Emergency been declared in India so far ?
A. 5 times
B. 4 times
C. Once
D. Never
Answer :

42. The annual growth rate of the Indian Economy at 1999-2000 prices during 2005-2006 has been estimated between ?
 A. 8 to 9 per cent
B. 7 to 8 per cent
C. 6 to 7 per cent
D. 5 to 6 per cent
Answer :

43. Which one of the following motions can the Council of Ministers in India move ?
A. No Confidence Motion
B. Censure Motion
C. Adjournment Motion
D. Confidence Motion
Answer :

 44. Which one of the following on the Consolidated Fund of India ?
A. Salary and allowances of the President of India
B. Salary and allowances of the Vice President of India
C. Salary and allowances of the Justices of the Supreme Court of India
D. Salary and allowances of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha
Answer :

45. Which one of the following is the time limit for the ratification of an emergency period by the Parliament ?
A. 14 days
B. 1 month
C. 3 month
D. 6 month
Answer :

46. Given below are two statements :
     Assertion (A) : Powers for conducting election to the Parliament and State Legislatures in a           free  and fair manner have been given to an independent body i.e. the Election Commission .
      Reason (R) :  Powers of removal of Election Commissioners is with the executive 

    In the context of above, which one of the following is correct ?
   Codes :
  A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
  B. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
  C. A is true but R is false
  D. A is false but R is true
Answer :

47. Which one of the following is not an objective of fiscal policy of Indian Government /
A. Full employment
B. Price stability
C. Regulation of inter-State trade
D. Equitable distribution of wealth and income
Answer :

48.Hindu Rate of growth refers to the rate of growth of ?
B. Population
C. Foodgrains
D. Per capital income
Answer :

49. As per recommendation of the Twelfth Finance Commission, percentage share of States of the shareable central taxes is ?
A. 28.5
B. 29.5
C. 30.5
D. 32.4
Answer :

50. In India, national income is estimated by ?
A. Planning Commission
B. Central Statistical Organization
C. Indian Statistical Institute
D. National Sample Survey Organization
Answer :


Section B Ultimate GK part 4

0 commentaires
31. Rajya Sabha can delay the Finance Bill sent for its consideration by Lok Sabha for a maximum period of ?
 A. One month
B. One year
C. Seven days
D. Fourteen days
Answer :

32. The First day session of Indian Constituent Assembly was chaired by ?
A. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
B. Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru
C. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
D. Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha
Answer :

33. Which one of the following is not a department in the Ministry of Human Resource Development ?
A. Department of Elementary Education and Literacy
B. Department of Secondary Education and Higher Education
C. Department of Technical Education
D. Department of Woman and Child Development
Answer :

34. Who is known a the first Law Officer of India ?
A. Chief Justice of India
B. Law Minister of India
C. Solicitor General of India
D. Law Secretary
Answer :

35. The Comptroller and Auditor General is appointed by the President. He can be removed ?
A. By the President
B. On an address from both Houses of Parliament
C. By the Supreme Court
D. On the recommendation of the President by the Supreme Court
Answer :

36. Nathu La Pass is situated in which state ?
A. Arunachal Pradesh
B. Assam
C. Meghalaya
D. Sikkim
Answer :

37. Who will decide the Office of Profit ?
A. President and Governor
B. Union Parliament
C. Supreme Court
D. Union Public Service Commission
Answer :

38. To be officially recognized by the Speaker of Lok Sabha as an Opposition Group, a party or Coalition of Parties must have at least ?
A. 50 members
B. 60 members
C. 80 members
D. 1/3 of total members of the Lok Sabha
Answer :

39.  Which of the following is not included in the Directive Principles of State Policy ?
A. Prohibition of liquor
B. Right to work
C. Equal wage for equal work
D. Right to information    
Answer :

40. Right to Education to all children between the age of 6 to 14 years is ?
A. Included in the Directive Principles of State Policy
B. A Fundamental Right
C. A Statutory Right
D. None of the above
Answer :


Section B Ultimate GK part 3

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21. By which name was Chanakya known in his childhood ?
A. Ajaya
B. Chanakya
C. Vishnugupta
D. Deogupta
Answer :

22. Rock cut architecture in Harapan culture context has been found at ?
A. Kalibangan
B. Dhaulabira
C. Kotdiji
D. Amri
Answer :

23. Where was the first Madarsa set up by the British in India ?
A. Madras
 B. Bombay
C. Aligarh
D. Calcutta
Answer :

24. Who among the following Pakistani National was awarded the 'Bharat Ratna' by the Indian Government ?
A. Liaqat Ali Khan
B. M. A. Jinnah
C. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
D. Muhammad Iqbal
Answer :

25. Match List-I Which List-II and select the correct answer the code given below ?
       List - I                                                        List - II
 A. Lachchu Maharaj                                        1. Dhrupad
B. Fayyaz Khan                                                2. Ghazal
C. Sidheshwari Devi                                          3. Kathak
D. Talat Mehmood                                             4. Thumri

Codes :
    (a)      (b)      (c)        (d)
A. 4        3         2           1
B. 3        1         4           2
C. 1        2         3           4
D. 2        3         1           4
Answer :

26. 'Threat of global warming' is increasing due to increasing concentration of ?
 A. Ozone
B. Nitrous oxide
C. Sulphur dioxide
D. Carbon dioxide
Answer :

27. When a body is taken from the earth to the moon ?
A. Its weight increases
B. Its weight decreases
C. Its weigh remains unchanged
D. Its becomes completely weightless
Answer :

28. Expansion during heating :
A. Occurs only in solid
B. Increases the weight of the material
C. Decreases the density of the material
D. Occurs at the same rate for all liquids and solids
Answer :

29. The Finance Commission is primarily concerned with recommending to the President about ?
A. The principle governing grants-in-aid to be given to the States
B. Distributing the net proceeds of the taxes between the Centre and the States
C. Neither (A) nor (B)
D. Both (A) and (B)
Answer :

30. The Parliament can make law for the whole or any part of India for implementing Intenrational Treaties :
A. With the consent of all the States
B. With the consent of majority of States
C. With the consent of the State concerned
D. Without the consent of any State
Answer :


Section B Ultimate GK part 2

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11. Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya was the disciple of ?
A. Sheikh Alauddin Sabir
B. Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti
C. Baba Farid
D. Sheikh Almad Sirhindi
Answer :

12. Which one of the following was favoured by Nehru but not favoured by Gandhiji ?
A. Truth
B. Non-violence
C. Untouchability
D. Heavy industrialisation
Answer :

13. Consider :
      Assertion (A) : Nehru had no regard for the Upanishads.
      Reason (R) : His attitude was scientific.

     Now select your answer from the following code :

     Codes :
     A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
     B. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
     C. A is true but R is false 
     D. A is false but R is true
Answer :

14. Ashtadhayi was written by ?
A. Vedavyas
B. Panini
C. Shukadeva
D. Balmiki
Answer :

15. Adi Shankaracharya established four mathas. These are situated at ?
A. Sringeri, Dwarka, Joshimath, Prayab
B. Dwarka, Joshimath, Prayag, Kanchi
C. Joshimath, Dwarka, Puri, Sringeri
D. Puri, Sringeri, Dwarka, Varanasi
Answer :

16. Who was the founder of 'Servants of India Society ' ?
A. Madan Mohan Malviya
B. Sarojini Naidu
C. Justice Ranade
D. Gopal Krishan Gokhale
Answer :

17. The third Sangam was held at ?
A. Arrikamedu
B. Ernakulam
C. Madurai
D. Tuticorin
Answer :

18. Who among the following was the founder of the 'Satya Shodhak Samaj' ?
A. Dr. B.R.Ambedkar
B. Jyotiba Phule
C. Madurai
D. Tuticorin
Answer :

 19. Cotton for textile was first cultivated in ?
A. Egypt
B. Mesopotamia
C. Central America
D. India
Answer :

20. Consider the following statements : 
      Assertion (A) : Muhammad Tughlaq's scheme of token currency was a failure
      Reason (R) : Muhammad Tughlaq had no proper control over the issuance of coins
     Select the correct answer using the code given below :

     Codes :
     A. Both A and R are true R is the correct explanation of A
     B. Both A and R are but R is not the correct explanation of A
     C. A is true but R is false
     D. A is false but R is true
Answer :


Section B Ultimate GK part 1

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1. Bharat Nirman Scheme of the UPA Government does not include ?
A. Rural Water Supply Project
B. Irrigation Benefit Programme
C. Rural Electrification
D. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
Answer :

2. Which one of the following committee recommended the abolition of reservation of items for the small scale sector in industry ?
 A. Abid Hussain Committee
B. Narasimhan Committee
C.  Nayak Committee
D. Rakesh Mohan Committee
Answer :

3. In the last one decade which one among the following sectors has attracted the highest Foreign Direct Investment inflows into India ?
A. Chemicals other than fertilizers
B. Services sector
C. Food Processing
D. Telecommunication
Answer :

4. Who formulates the monetary policy in India ?
C. Finance Ministry
D. Planing Commission
Answer :

5. The population of Uttar Pradesh has been rapidly growing during the last two decades because of ?
A. Increased literacy rate
B. Improvement in health and control of diseases
C. Improved agriculture
D. Rapid urbanization
Answer :

 6. Consider the following statements and select the correct answer using the code given below :
Assertion (A) : Educated unemployment increases with high rate of economic growth.
Reason (R) : It happens only when there is lack of professional education.

Codes :
A. Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
C. A is true but R is false.
D. A is false but R is true.
Answer :

7. Six more Public Sector Undertakings have been accorded status of miniratna by Government of India (September 2006) Choose the one which is not included amoungst them from the following ?
A. Bharat Sanchar Nigam
B. Indian Telephone Industries
C. Hindustan Latex
D. Rashtriya Ispat
Answer :

8. Consider according to Buddhism ?
Assertion (A) : There is no rebirth
Reason (R) : There is no soul

Now select your answer from the following code :

Codes :
A. Both A and R are true R is the correct explanation of A
B. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
C. A is true R is false
D. A is false but R is true
Answer :

9. Which one of the following propounded that destiny determines everything man is powerless ?
A. Jainas
C. Ajivakas
D. Mimansakas
Answer :

10. Lord Buddha preached the following four noble truths. Put them in correct order using the code given below ?
A. There is suffering
B. There is cessation of suffering
C. There is a path leading to the cessation of suffering
D. There is cause of suffering

Codes :
(A) a, d, b,c
(B) a, d, c, b
(C) a, c, b, d
(D) a, b, d, c
Answer :