Section G Ultimate GK part 10

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91. What can be the maximum period of gap between any two session of the Indian Parliament ?
A. One year
B. Three Months
C. Four Months
D. Six Months
Answer :

92. Effect of increasing temperature on resistance of semiconductor is-------?
A. Increasing
B. No change
C. Decreasing
D. First increasing then decreasing
Answer :

93. If mass is increased by 2 times and velocity is increased by 3 times of a body then its momentum will be increased by ?
A. 2 times
B. 3/2 times
C. 3 times
D. 6 times
Answer :

94. Concentrated, HNO3 can be stored in container made up of ?
A. Cu
B. Al
C. Sn
 D. Zn
Answer :

95. Red blood corpuscles have life of ?
A. 3-4 days
B. 4 weeks
C. 4 months
D. 12 months
Answer :

96.  Mallika Sarabhai is associated with which of following fields ?
A. Social service
B. Classical music
C. Sports
D. Classical dance
Answer :

97. A Kabaddi team usually has ?
A. Six players
B. Nine players
C. Eleven players
D. Seven players
Answer :

98. Golden Ball winner of 2010 World Cup Football Championship was ?
A. Diego Forlan
B. Carlos Borges
C. Antonio Campolo
D. Alvaro Faunandez
Answer :

99. The National heritage animal in India is ?
A. Tiger
B. Elephant
C. Deer
D. Lion
Answer :

100. Brazil's first female President is ?
A. Laura Chinchilla
B. Dilma Rousseff
C. Julia Gillard
D. Angela Markel
Answer :


Section G Ultimate GK part 9

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81. Which of the following is an indirect tax ?
A. Capital gains tax
B. Corporation tax
C. Excise duty
D. Wealth tax
Answer :

82. Which is the most important source of revenue of the States in India ?
A. Professional texes
B. Land Revenue
C. Sales Tax
D. Excise duty
Answer :

83. Protectionism in the International trade standa for ?
A. Semi restricted trade
B. Free trade policy
C. Restricted trade policy
D. All of these
Answer :

84. Diamond mines are mainly found in India in the State of ?
A. Arunachal Pradesh
B. Karnataka
C. Madhya Pradesh
D. Bihar
Answer :

85. The Sardar Sarovar Dam is associated with ?
A. Tapti River
B. Bhakra Nangal Project
C. Mahanadi River
D. Narmada River
Answer :

86. Soil suitable for growing cotton is ?
A. Red soil
B. Sandy soil
C. Black soil
D. Laterite soil
Answer :

87. Who is the Chief Law Officer of India ?
A. Advocate General
B. Solicitor General
C. Secretary, Law Department
Answer :

88. Which of the following bills cannot be introduced first in the Rajya Sabha ?
A. Bill bringing a State under the President's rule
B. Money Bill
C. Bill pertaining to the removal of the President by impeachment
D. Bill proclaiming all the State of State of emergency arising out of war or external aggression
Answer :

89. Who is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces in India ?
A. The President
B. The Home Minister
C. The Defence Minister
D. The Prime Minister
Answer :

90. The Ninth Schedule of the Constitution of India was ?
A. Added by the 42nd Amendment
B. A part of the original constitution
C. Added by the 24th Amendment
D. Added by the 1 st Amendment
Answer :

Section G Ultimate GK part 8

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71. Santosh Trophy is related to ?
A. Golf
B. Basketball
C. Cricket
D. Football
Answer :

72. 'Biosphere Reserve Project' is aimed at protecting ?
A. Environment
B. Cattle population
C. Flora and Fauna
D. Human beings from pollution
Answer :

73. 'Palak leaves' are rich in ?
A. Iron
B. Vitamin A
C. Cystine
D. Carotene
Answer :

74. Malaria is a disease which affects ?
A. Spleen
B. Lungs
C. Liver
D. Intestine
Answer :

75. Pepsin, a digestive enzyme, is produced in the /
A. Kidney
B. Liver
C. Stomach
D. Small intestine
Answer :

76. Leukaemia is a type of cancer in which there is an abnormal increase in the number of ?
A. Bone cells
B. Red blood cells
C. Platelets
D. White blood cells
Answer :

77. A solution of zinc chloride cannot be stored in a vessel made of ?
A. Lead
B. Aluminium
C. Silver
D. Gold
Answer :

78. Which of the following is the best conductor of electricity ?
A. Cold water
B. Warm water
C. Distilled water
D. Saline water
Answer :

79. The name of the first Indian aircraft developed by a government with private fund is ?
A. Tejas
B. Akash
D. Hansa
Answer :

80. An international movement with its motto to save the world by involving itself with environmental problems is ?
A. Clean En
B. Greenpiece
C. Greenfield
D. Ecofriend
Answer :


Section G Ultimate GK part 7

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61. The philosophy of Upanishads emphasises on ?
A. Tapa
B. Bhakti
C. Gyan
D. Karma
Answer :

62. 'Moon' is related to 'Satellite' as 'Earth' is related to ?
A. Solar System
B. Sun
C. Planet
D. Jupiter
Answer :

63. 'Navajivan Express' runs between ?
A. Howrah-Chennai
B. Chennai-Ahmedabad
C. Bhopal-New Delhi
D. Jammu Tawi-Thiruvananthapuram
Answer :

64. Who said, "Thank God, I have done my duty " ?
A. Admiral Nelson
B. G.W.Crne
C. Nelson Mandela
D. J.L.Nehru
Answer :

65. Which day of the year is observed as 'World Standard Day ?
A. September 14
B. November 25
C. October 14
D. August 14
Answer :

66. The judge of the Supreme Court of India now retire at the age of ?
A. 62 years
B. 60 years
C. 65 years
D. 58 years
Answer :

67. 'Neela Chand' is a novel written by ?
A. Subhash Mukhopadhyay
B. Shiv Prasad Singh
C. Ramakant Rath
D. Ram Vilas Sharma
Answer :

68. Sheikh Hasina belongs to which political party of Bangladesh ?
A. Jamat-i-Islami
B. Bangladesh National Party
C. Awami League
D. Workers Party
Answer :

69. Which day is celebrated as United Nations Day every year ?
A. 14th November
B. 27th December
C. 24th October
D. 7th April
Answer : 

70. The Sun shines vertically on the Equator 
A. Four times a year
B. Once a year
C.   Throughout the years
D. Twice a year
Answer : 


Section G Ultimate GK part 6

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51. When was the partition of Bengal, effected during the time of Curzon, annnulled ?
A. 1913
B. 1911
C. 1914
D. 1912
Answer :

52. Prithvi Raj Chauhan was defeated in the year ?
A. 1626 A.D
B. 1295 A.D.
C. 1192 A.D
D. 1561 A.D.
Answer :

53. Who among the following was the eldest son of Shahjahan ?
A. Auranzeb
B. Shuja
C. Dara shikoh
D. Murad Baksh
Answer :

54. In which battle, Rana Pratap of Mewar was defeated by the Mughal Army ?
A. Panipat
B. Mewar
C. Haldighati
D. Udaipur
Answer :

55. Akbar was the first Muslim ruler to introduce ?
A. Land and revenue reforms
B. Judicial reforms
C. Social reforms
D. Administrative reforms
Answer :

56. The rock cut temples known as the Seven Pagodas are at ?
A. Kanchi
B. Mahabaleshwar
C. Tanjore
D. Mahabalipuram
Answer :

57. The battle of Kalinga Proved to be the deciding point in the life of ?
A. Kautilya
B. Ashoka
C. Samudragupta
D. Alexander
Answer :

58. The capital of Harshavardhana was at ?
A. Varanasi
B. Pataliptra
C. Kannauj
D. Nalanda
Answer :

59. Both Vardhamana Mahavira and Gautam Buddha preached their doctrines during the reign of ?
A. Udayi
B. Nandivardhana
C. Bimbisara
D. Ajatahatru
Answer :

60. In whose reign, Hiuen Tsang, a Chinese pilgrim, visited India ?
A. Chandragupta Maurya
B. Samundragupta
C. Harshavardhana
D. Kanishka
Answer :


Section G Ultimate GK part 5

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41. Effective demand depends on ?
A. output-capital ratio
B. supply price
C. total expenditure
D. capital-output ratio
Answer :

42. Which on of the following is not a 'canon of taxation' according to Adam Smith ?
A. Canon of convenience
B. Canon of economy
C. Canon of simplicity
D. Canon of certainty
Answer :

43. The Chola kings were ruling over ?
A. Kerala
B. Bengal
C. Andhra
D. Tamil Nadu
Answer :

44. The Aryans succeeded in their conflicts with the pre-Aryans because ?
A. they were taller and stronger
B. they used elephants on a large scale
C. they used chariots driven by horses
D. they were from an advanced urban culture
Answer :

45. Which battle did open the Delhi are to Muhammad Ghori ?
A. First Battle of Tarain
B. Battle of Khanwa
C. Second Battle of Tarain
D. First battle of P Anipat
Answer :

46. Who was the author of Gita Govnda ?
A. Kalhana
B. Kalidasa
C. Jayadeva
D. Raja Rao
Answer :

47. ''The Right to Public Office'' is a ?
A. Moral right
B. Civil right
C. Political right
D. Economic right
Answer :

48. Who was against the abolition of Sati ?
A. B.G.Tilak
B. B.C.Pal
C. Radha Kant Deb
D. Ram Mohan Roy
Answer :

49. Chand Bibi was the ruler of ?
A. Asirgarh
B. Golcouda
C. Bijapur
D. Ahmednagar
Answer :

50. Clive laid the foundation of British Empire by winning the battle of ?
A. Jhansi
B. Panipat
C. Plassey
D. None of these
Answer :